eXtreme 4.0 Fragen.

  • Cinelerra does require a powerfull system, but it's free download. eXtreme cost €2900. I could use my current computer as the RenderFarm and built another dual AMD for less than €2900 for the front system. Somehow sounds tempting :bounce:

    "Jashaka fürs Compositing und du wirst im Himmel sein so es einmal Final wird ~2010"

    That, I could not understand, sorry. Could you please re-write in easier words for a non german speaker. :wink: Danke!



  • sorry Chris.

    eXtreme4Pro kostet mit Movie3D ohne Dongle


    eXtreme Plus with Movie3D $599

    auf Aistinc

    Jashaka ist ein Compositingprojekt eines Inders mit :D Greencard :D


  • This price is for USA right! I'm in Europe. Do they ship here? Also that's version 4, no support for bluefish HD right? AIST Germany told me €2900. for version 6.

    "Jashaka ist ein Compositingprojekt eines Inders mit Greencard "

    You really want to confuse me don't you? I have no idea of what you're talking about. :besoffen:

  • OOOOPS! Sorry I didn't get it before. :idee:

    What's with all those free softwares? How can that be? How do they make money to develop their software and keep updating it? I don't understand.



  • Keine Ahnung wie die das machen.
    Ich denke es ist viel Herz dabei und der Frust auf BILLiBOY :haarezuberge:

    Noch etwas unter Linux eine feines TOOL



    Interactive Calibration and Reconstruction from Image Sequences



    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Motiongroup ()

  • Hi Chris,

    Bluefishsupport nur über Quicktime in der Version eXtreme4 oder die

    Optibase Videopump SD/HD Cards welche mit Version 4 kompatibel sind.


  • Hey,

    I finally got MoviePack Pro to work on my machine. It now seems to be working the way it should. No dropped frames on capture. I'm trying it already and am liking it a lot too. It looks like it's a great application. But I'm still learning. I downloaded the manual, but it's a long one. I'm happy it's finally working. :D
    So expect some questions about it on the near future.Thansk for everything guys!

    Best regards,


  • Na fein Chris, ich und das Forum freuen uns schon auf deine Fragen.

    Mp4 wird dir Features geben, die du in anderen Programmen vermissen wirst.
