Beiträge von ChrisDV


    Hey, Can you tell how to letterbox in16:9 in MPP4? I shot in 4:3, but framed for 16:9. Now I need to crop it to 16:9 applying a mask or something.

    Also, can I deinterlace footage (to get a progressive scan look) in MPP4? How?

    P.S= I kow I can in premiere 6.0 by marking, right click, and pick always deinterlace.



    Thanks Günter. Nice tutorial.

    Now I have another question. I'm editing a project right now on MPP4 and althought I have clips starting from the first little square in the storyboard, I have a gap on the beginning of my timeline. My project don't start on the beggining of the timeline, it starts a little later. I have a space before my project and I can't correct it. Do you know how?



    Hi again,

    I want to do an effect in MPP 4.0 and was wondering if you could help me.

    I want to gradually speed up a scene then goes back to normal speed, then speed it up again, then go to slow motion. Can I do it in MPP? How could I do it? A step by step discription would be very nice. I'm new to this software.

    Thanks to all.




    I finally got MoviePack Pro to work on my machine. It now seems to be working the way it should. No dropped frames on capture. I'm trying it already and am liking it a lot too. It looks like it's a great application. But I'm still learning. I downloaded the manual, but it's a long one. I'm happy it's finally working. :D
    So expect some questions about it on the near future.Thansk for everything guys!

    Best regards,


    OOOOPS! Sorry I didn't get it before. :idee:

    What's with all those free softwares? How can that be? How do they make money to develop their software and keep updating it? I don't understand.



    This price is for USA right! I'm in Europe. Do they ship here? Also that's version 4, no support for bluefish HD right? AIST Germany told me €2900. for version 6.

    "Jashaka ist ein Compositingprojekt eines Inders mit Greencard "

    You really want to confuse me don't you? I have no idea of what you're talking about. :besoffen:

    Cinelerra does require a powerfull system, but it's free download. eXtreme cost €2900. I could use my current computer as the RenderFarm and built another dual AMD for less than €2900 for the front system. Somehow sounds tempting :bounce:

    "Jashaka fürs Compositing und du wirst im Himmel sein so es einmal Final wird ~2010"

    That, I could not understand, sorry. Could you please re-write in easier words for a non german speaker. :wink: Danke!



    Well, I was thinking, if it's really my chipset and I have to upgrade my system just to fit eXtreme (Jesus, Vegas 4.0 runs on a 500Mhz machine with no problems, regadless of hardware), I might as well upgrade to a dual CPU and use Cinelerra for HD editing. I just don't use it know because my system is not good enough yet. But if I have to upgrade it and spend money on it, I will not buy eXtreme anymore. I will use Cinelerra which seems to be much better for HD editing.



    Chipsatz für AMDs----> Nforce2

    Thanks. I will check it.

    Welchen OHCI verwendest du(Chipsatz)? Bitte keine VIA Chips

    It's an ADS Pyro DV, I don't think the chipset is VIA.

    Den ersten Slot unter der AGP Grafikkarte solltest du nicht verwenden!

    It seem to work better there. Strange uh!

    Überprüfe ob sich de OHCI einen IRQ mit einem anderen Gerät teilt(USB)?

    I'm checking it too.

    It's very strange that Premiere 6.0 work good, no dropped frames and MoviePackPro 4.0 is dropping frames. Maybe I should just stay with Premiere after all.




    Jetzt ist meine Frau da und ich kann ein bisschen deutsch schreiben. Die Moviepack-Version ist 4.0. Das build ist 6655. Ich werde versuchen, das patch downzuloaden, um auf 6867 upzugraden.

    Du glaubst also, das Problem ist mein chipset? Welches motherboard und chipset würdest du für AMD athlon XP2000 empfehlen? Denn ich habe gehört, dass die VIA chipsets sind noch schlechter geeignet. Was bleibt also für AMD über? Ich habe probiert, das Vorschaufenster zu schließen, aber ich habe noch immer frames verloren. Für Videofiles habe ich natürlich eine separate Festplatte.

    Ganz nebenbei, ich habe meine OHCI-IEEE1394-Karte in den Schlitz genau unter der Graphik-Karte gesteckt und es scheint ein bisschen zu helfen. Mit dieser Änderung verlor ich nur ein oder zwei frames über einen Testlauf von ca. 2 Minuten. Noch immer nicht perfekt, aber zumindest eine Verbesserung... Manchmal ist es dann aber wieder genauso schlecht wie zuvor.

    Danke nochmals für die Hilfe!!!


    Hi Tom,

    Thanks for replying!

    I have Adobe Premiere 6.0 installed in the same machine and it captures very good. No dropped frames when capturing with Premiere 6.0. Do you think I should still download "scenalyzerLIVE!"? If Premeire captures ok, so I think the problems might not be in my computer. What do you think?
    I do have directorX but I don't know which version. Is it a freeware? Do you have a link?

    Thanks a lot!



    I downloaded the MoviePack Pro 4.0 demo. But I have dropped frames on capture. My festplatten is set to DMA, NTFS. I defragemented it too. It's a 80Gb 7200RPM. I have another 40Gb for system.
    Any ideas of why I am having dropped frames on capture via IEEE1394 (ADS Pyro)?
    The MP4 demo's build is 6655

    Downloaded from the american AIST website.




    1.Welche Einschränkungen meinst du??

    Ich lese es auf einem anderen Forum. Ist es wahr? Welche Einschränkungen sind das?

    2. Was verstehst du unter HD oder bessere gesagt welches Ausgabeformat benötigst du??

    DVCPRO-HD, HDCAM, 24p,25p,50i

    3. xTreme für Schnitt oder Compositing? ---- RAM, RAM und nochmals RAM 1-2 Gigs

    Schnitt und Compositing.

    4. SIS745 Na ja, aber eher nicht. 760MP oder Nforce2 bei HD über

    Nein. HD SDi Karte. (?)

    Danke für die Hilfe!


    P.S. Sorry for my german. I'm english. Normally my wife translates it to me but now she's sleeping. She's german.

    Ich will eXtreme 4.0 kaufen und habe dazu einige Fragen. Ich habe gehört, dass das Video-Schnitt-Programm ein paar Einschränkungen hat. Welche Einschränkungen sind das? Kann man damit auch HD schneiden? Was braucht man für HD-Schnitt? Ist eXtreme 4.0 stabil? Rendert es schnell?
    Mein Computer besteht aus AMD XP2000, MSI mainboard mit SiS745 chipset, 768Mb RAM, Radeon 7500 654MB grafikkarten,Barracuda 40Gb 7200RPM, Barracuda 80Gb 7200RPM, Windows 2000.
    Ist das gut genug für eXtreme 4.0?
    Danke für die Hilfe!
